Marches (cont)
Organ Music
Organ Music (cont)
Instrumental Duets
Duets (cont)
Other Music
Novelty Music

The pieces listed at Ragsdale’s Ditties mostly started-out as poems that were later set to music. However, I have also included a few samples from some of my musical plays (separate section).

The music was first created using synthesizers with C. Ragsdale playing all of the parts. I then sang over the synthesizer tracks; obviously I am not a great singer.

Regarding Ragsdale’s Ditties, there is actually a much larger collection of songs dealing with a wide variety of subjects. However, I have only placed on this web site the pieces that seemed appropriate for this venue.

Ragsdale’s Ditties:
High In the Sky    PC
It’s A Moon    PC    Mac
Melody For President    PC
My Daughter’s Cat    PC
Ode To the Snake    PC
Siamese Cats    PC
The Ballad of Ol’ Clem    PC
The Bugged Ear    PC
The Bumblebee    PC
The Circus Is Coming To Town    PC
The Goldfish Hunks    PC
The Tenaya    PC    Mac
The Wild Baroopaderm    PC
Two Little Maids    PC
Weather High-Jinks    PC

A Few Samples From Ragsdale’s Musical Plays:
All It Takes Is Patience    PC    Mac
Enchanted Places    PC    Mac
Highway 80 Blues    PC    Mac
You Sometimes Win and Sometimes Lose    PC